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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  September 26, 2012 1:40am-4:00am PDT

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homes in the town, and two people were hurt when high winds flipped over a tract tore trailer on interstate 64. well, country music star toby keith always a big supporter of americans serving in the war zones. >> he made many trips overseas to entertain troops on the front lines. he has done his fair share here at home. the recent concert in houston he brought a soldier's wife on stage for performance of "american soldier." >> love those r those reunions. grab a tissue. near the end, her husband walked out on stage, a surprise appearance for a long-awaited reunion. i love that embrace. >> well done, toby. nicely done, man. always good to see reunions. the guys and women all slowly coming home. good. >> thankfully. well, coming up -- something straight out of the jetson's, a driverless car. we're going to take a test drive and find out when it's coming to a dealership near you. first, a dramatic crash and heroic save.
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a woman reunites with the cop that got her out of the way of an out-of-control car. great story coming up. you're watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by just for men auto stop. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by just for men auto stop. it's time to change the way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach.
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how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to me, relationships matter.
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i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral to see a specialist. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs.
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call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is.
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♪ >> welcome back, everybody. you might have seen some stunning video that we showed you last week, a police officer in texas saving a young woman from being hit by an oncoming vehicle. >> this is a crazy video here. that incident will link their lives together of course forever. now as abc's ryan owens tells us, they have gotten together for a very emotional union. >> reporter: a week after police officer phillip standing push heard out of the way of his oncoming car it almost certainly saved her life. sarah beady still struggles to ooet put her gratitude into word. >> thank you doesn't cover the fact that i am here and talking. >> reporter: that night in lubbock, texas it was the
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19-year-old student talking to officers about a fender-bender she just witnessed. watch again as a van with an alleged drunk driver behind the wheel plows into the police car sending it barreling towards them. officer standofer grabs beady and pushes her to safety. the other cop barely escapes too. >> i knew that she didn't see the car coming, and so i just moved and got her out of the way. >> reporter: in fact, while beady was safe, the man who just saved her was actually pin tweend the cars. >> i looked at my leg and saw that it didn't look like it was pointing in the direction it should have been. >> i remember hitting the concrete and closing my eyes again because i wasn't sure if i was going to open them up. >> reporter: beady escaped with just a few scrapes on her face. officer standofer's leg is still bruised, but remarkably nothing more serious than a few pulled muscles. >> humbled by the opportunity to do so. >> if he hadn't been there, i wouldn't know what happened to me. so i call him a hero. >> reporter: a humble hero who nearly sacrificing himself to save a stranger. ryan owens, abc news, dallas. >> you never know where your
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guardian angels may be and right at the moment you need them the most. incredible there. >> we don't hear stories like that enough. usually we bring you doom and gloom. well, the alleged driver -- the driver of the van mentioned allegedly driving drunk. >> was arrested, and was charged with drunk driving. good all the way around. >> uh-huh. up next -- generational driving. what? >> we are hitting the road, four wheels, everything a normal car has, plus, an added advantage. no hands. >> wait. you use hands now? i've got one on d blackberry, iphone, one on the knee on the wheel. kidding, just joking. >> we'll be back. >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our abcçpc6
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. ♪ meet george jetson ♪ his wife judy ♪ meet george jetson ♪ his wife judy >> all right. >> oh, my! on that note. before signing the bill that paves the way for self-driving cars, yes, i said self-driving cars in southern california -- look, ma, no hands -- governor jerry brown called the vehicles "science fiction becoming tomorrow's reality." >> they're closer to being reality than you might think. in fact, abc's jim avila has already taken one out for a test drive. >> reporter: you've seen this. cars that slam on the brakes before you hit a pole. but here's something you have
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never seen. the car of the future making the driver totally unnecessary. >> no hands. >> reporter: google is working on one, and the federal government is sponsoring a field test in ann arbor, michigan, with cars that automatically swerve past potential accidents and alert you to oncoming hazards. and now this at general motors' test track, i sat in the driver's seat as this cadillac at high speeds stayed in its lane. at 60 miles an hour it stopped on its own even when a car driving 30 miles slower pulled in front of us. >> we can foresee the day when vehicles will be able to completely avoid a collision. >> reporter: it's been a carmaker's dream since george jetson asset in his automated flying car. >> the vehicle can take complete control and take you to your destination in comfort, safety, and security. >> reporter: this prototype called super cruise uses radars, cameras, and gps to drive itself. hand are off the steering wheel. feet are off the pedals. i can look away.
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don't do this at home. >> reporter: at any time the driver can take back control. but on the highway when driving is the least fun and humans are easily distracted, super cruise can safely navy gate the hazards. >> the system is -- does not get distracted. it doesn't fall asleep. >> reporter: it's expected to be in the first gm cars as early as 2015. jim avila, abc news, detroit. >> i wonder how people feel putting their safety and other driver's safety in the hand of the computer. seems scary a little bit. >> $2,000, roughly what it will cost. >> what do i have in my hand? >> something futuristic. >> i will admit i am a distracted driver. which is why i let my husband do the driving. >> as a society, we send conflicting message. don't text, stay focused, all the laws about that. on the other hand. we're saying, take your hands
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off, let the car do it all. seems odd. >> kind of like the show, right? >> yeah, exactly like the show. we'll be right back. the arteries of your dishwasher are constantly clogging up
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with grease and lime scale. use finish dishwasher cleaner every month to keep your machine in sparkling health. for shining results, finish dishwasher cleaner.
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yeah, and i took on all the bigger, tougher ones. but now that mr. clean's got this new select-a-size magic eraser, i mean, he can take on any size job. look how easily he gets things cleaned. it's enough to make you cry. you, specifically. not me. i'm just happy we don't go near rex's mobile home as often. because it's hard to clean or because you're scared of an itty-bitty doggy? [ dog barks ] aah! oh! [ clears throat ] yeah, that was a sneeze. i think i sprayed myself. [ male announcer ] new mr. clean select-a-size magic eraser. lets you pick the right size for every job.
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♪ abc's strong in the top ten, right? >> yes. >> finally this half hour, an inspirational young woman that you aren't likely to forget any time soon. she was helping someone in need when she suffered a life changing injury. >> that has not stopped her from moving forward with some very ambitious plan. michelle wright of our pittsburgh station has her incredible story. >> reporter: elissa boyle says the morning is all a blur. the nursing student on her way to ruby memorial hospital when she and others stopped to help a
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man trapped in his jeep in greene county. they pulled him out when somebody yelled a truck was coming. >> when i turned around, there was a semi, not stopping. >> reporter: elissa, cami, and a man they rescued all jumped over barrier, not realizing they would fall almost 50 feet from the overpass. elisa blacked out. >> when i did wake up, i remember just being in pain. it was the worst pain of my life. >> reporter: she was the most severely injured of the three. when she woke up after surgery this was the first thing she heard. >> they told me i would never walk again. the doctor told me right away i had a 1% chance of walking. >> reporter: paralyzed, her thoughts turned to the man she agreed to marry. nathan, stationed at ft. bragg, north carolina, nathan assured
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her he was not going anywhere. now in a wheelchair she is determined to walk down the aisle like she dreamed. that determination brings her here. a second look showed her spinal cord was not severed as the first doctor said. suddenly there was hope. >> i have feelings about here in my thighs. the doctor gave me 1% chance of walking again. >> and you're out to prove him wrong. >> yes, i am. >> reporter: an inspirational bride determined to make her dreams come true. >> oh. >> let's all root for her. amazing, too, 1% shot. still worth taking. she's going for it. that's incredible. >> her disposition. cheery disposition. not down in the dumps. >> rooting for her. be there on the wedding day. if she walks down the aisle. >> we'll all be looking forward to seeing it. that's the news for this half hour. make sure you check us out on facebook. and coming up more from abc. and coming up more from abc.
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this morning on "world news now" -- confronting the anger against america. president obama uses the world stage to talk about recent uprisings in the muslim world. >> his address to the u.n. general assembly includes a passionate defense of free speech. it's wednesday, september 26th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody. i'm paula faris on this hump day. >> that's right. midweek. here we go. good morning, everybody. good to be back. i'm rob nelson. we'll get to the president's speech, including his powerful trib but to murdered ambassador chris stevens coming up in just a second. also in this half hour, officially fed up. football fans are still fuming over that botched call by the replacement refs. so many people are venting on our facebook page.
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we're going to share a few of the juicy one s coming up in just a second. everybody is talking about the end of that monday night game. >> a fair call for those who live in seattle. outside of seattle, botched call. >> indeed. man. forget living large. in san francisco, go small or go home. we'll give you've the nickel tour of some mini-sized apartments. when we say mini, we are talking -- >> like 150 square feet. so think about that for a second. >> like nada. >> i don't know how they do it. >> people get very inventive. if it saves rent money. not a bad thing. we'll see if you can do it in just a minute. plus, lady gaga, of course, is known for revealing quite a bit. there she is right there. but now she strips down to reveal a fuller figure. and to explain also why she is proud of the way she looks. catch up with a little, caught a little flak for her weight.
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but now is kind of revealing something personal from years ago. >> very personal. >> interesting. gaga always in the news. we begin with the president's challenge at the u.n. calling on world leaders to stand up against violence and extremism. >> president obama devoted much of his speech to the arab democratic movement, free speech, and also stopping the violence like the attack in libya that claimed the lives of the u.s. ambassador and three other americans as well. here's abc's jake tapper. >> reporter: president obama made the focus of his united nation's address about a man who wasn't there. >> i would like to begin today by telling you about an american named chris stevens. >> reporter: with a tribute to the u.s. ambassador to libya who was attacked and killed in the dead of night in benghazi two weeks ago, he extolled the humanity and hope stevens stood for. >> we are serious about the ideals and must reaffirm our future will be determined by people like chris stevens and not by his killers. >> reporter: but in many ways, the president's speech seemed targeted at his dough met tick
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audience. accused by republicans of glibly downplaying the unrest in the muslim world, the president demanded an end to the violence. >> there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. there are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. >> reporter: and while only days ago the white house was asking youtube to review whether the anti-muslim film violated the terms of use, the president offered a full-throated defense of freedom of speech. >> like me, the majority of americans are christian, yet we do not ban blaspheme against our sacred beliefs. >> that was a cal to stop those who fan the flames against the wealth and the allies. >> it is time to marginalize those who use hatred of america or the west or israel as the central organizing principal of politics. >> reporter: a smaller part of this speech was iran's nuclear program. a continued source of frustration and tension despite efforts at outreach and tough sanctions, that country has more
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than doubled its production rate of enriched uranium since obama took office. >> the united states will do what we must to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: during last year's u.n. conference, president obama met separately with more than a dozen world leaders. but this year he had no such meetings scheduled, prompting criticism he's more focused this year on campaigning than governing. in his place, secretary of state hillary clinton met with almost 20 world leaders. jake tapper, abc news, the white house. iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad has his turn before the u.n. delegates later today. ahead of his speech, ahmadinejad tells the associated press a new world order needs to emerge. away from american bullying and domination. he says despite international sanctions over its nuclear program, iran is better off than it was when he took office back in 2005. >> and he's known for getting up at the mike, saying pretty
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inflammatory things. you will see some folks walk out when he gets to certain parts of his speech. we have seen this play out before. and the outcry over the nuclear program, he is saying it is an excuse by the west to dominate his country. talk about the nuclear program there. but it's -- he is a controversial figure. again you are seeing the talk get more heated about potential that israel would strike iran to prevent further nuclear development, and that inevitably would drag this country back into another war. and i think ahmadinejad himself used the term "world war iii" if that, indeed, were to happen. for what it could potentially mean if that does happen. scary. >> and he drew flak at the u.n. for posing for a picture and posing with the peace sign as well. >> all right. moving on, republican presidential hopeful mitt romney and his running mate, paul ryan, on the stump in ohio today, a key battleground state where new poll numbers show their campaign is in some serious trouble. they're going to be touting their plans to tackle the debt crisis, improve unemployment and
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cut spending. but romney seems to have strayed from his long time insistence that president obama raised taxes during his first term now. he is saying the president did not. >> his idea now is -- he's got one new, one new idea. i admit this one thing he did not do in his first four years he said he will do in the next four years, which is to raise taxes. >> the romney campaign is standing by the argument that the president has raised taxes. fact check, obama has raised taxes on cigarettes and tanning beds and not income taxes. though romney's own spokesman says it has happened 19 times. well, the nfl and locked out referees have met behind closed doors trying to resolve their differences. the meeting comes amid growing outrage over the call made monday night by a replacement ref. even president obama and mitt romney have called for a return to the real refs something they can agree on, right. but espn's michael wallbon said he see s the lockout lasting weeks not days. >> the ratings keep going up and popularity of the league is not threatened. so i'm not sure they care as much as the people who were going crazy monday night.
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>> a wisconsin eye doctor, love this, now offering the refs free lasik surgery to improve their vision, surgery that costs roughly around $3,000. >> i don't get it here too. if you look at the background, some of these replacement refs, they're not qualified to officiate an nfl game. not at the pace of, you know, pro sports compared to collegiate, high school, some of the guys are, you know, that's what their background is in. but nothing kind of -- i spoke to the moment, one photo, one saying touchdown. ref to the left saying no it's not. that to me says it all about how the officiating has gone in the nfl this season. they have got to step in get it done. >> but you know what? you can't blame the replacement refs. they're put in a lose/lose situation. they're put in a bad situation. they're not prepared for the speed of the game. now the nflpa players union
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filed a grievance against owners saying this could be a violation of their collective bargaining agreement. and demaury smith who heads up the players union, sent this to the players tuesday. he said the decision by the owners to lock out the referees, jeopardizes your health and safety. contrary to some reports, we are not crossing any picket line. the referees are not on strike. the owners locked them out. we are actively reviewing any and all possible actions to protect you. >> the uproar crescendoed to a point, this needs to get done. a few more weeks of this crazy. all right. in other news this morning, mexico's baja coast is rocking after a strong earthquake and aftershocks. the 6.2 shaker hit in the late afternoon, 47 miles north east of the city of la paz, followed by a 4.8 and 4.6 aftershock a few minutes later. so far there have been no reports of any major injuries or significant damage. with that we'll take look at your wednesday weather. new york, d.c., boston, see showers in the morning. thunderstorms in the late afternoon. summer though hangs on in florida and georgia with the possibility of some afternoon storms. >> it's warmer than usual in texas. had a chance to visit texas last
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week. loved my time there. and oklahoma. dallas, mid 80s. see 92 instead. chicago, minneapolis. cooler than usual temperatures. pleasant to the northwest. seattle at 60. of course, everybody is warm and cozy in seattle after the seahawks' win. >> and the glow of a false victory must be cozy, yeah. all right. a very lucky 12-year-old boy is celebrating his first kiss, not from the girl next door -- >> ooh. >> -- not alone under the trea or behind the high school gym like some folks. >> first came love, then came marriage, then k-i-s-s-i-n-g. no, this boy's first smooch came courtesy of country superstar carrie wood. it was on stage. she spotted the boy with a sign that said "will you be my first kiss?" she called him to stage and said, "how do you want to do this?" he said, "lip to lip." >> oh, my goodness, gracious. >> got to go for the gold, baby. well done. jr. >> after a warning that her husband was nearby, yes, carrie, obliged. dubbing the boy the smartest kid
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ever. >> i would say so. smart kid. got his first kiss from carrie. that's a lifelong story for the young lad. >> i haven't had a first kiss. >> see, missed me, didn't you? >> no. all right. coming up next, we received nearly 200 impassioned responses to our facebook "question of the day." we'll share what you had to say, whew, about the talk of the country right now, the nfl replacement refs. first a nickel tour of san francisco's newest apartment, a penny for every 30 square feet. it's all coming up on "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol. power and free. lysol. and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more
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cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans,
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you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs... you'll be able choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. so don't wait. with all the good years ahead,
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look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. "are you a cool mom?" i'm gonna find out. [ female announcer ] swiffer wetjet's pads are better than ever. now they have the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser so you don't have to get down on your hands and knees to scrub away tough, dried-on stains. hey, do you guys think i'm "momtacular" or "momtrocious"? ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer. now with the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser.
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♪ a little tom petty and stevie nicks there with appropriately "the apartment song." oddly enough. brings us to our next story, which is about -- apartments? >> good call. we have seen small apartments here in new york that's for sure. here is mine. but in san francisco, they're thinking about going really, really small. abc's cecilia vega went apartment hunting. >> reporter: ooh, it is small. it turns out it doesn't take very long to tour a
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150-square-foot home. foyer/dressing room/closet/pantry. /kitchen/bathroom. you can almost from the bathroom reach in and grab something from the fridge. that's convenient. welcome home. a model home in berkeley, california, to be exact, where everything is always within arm's reach. a home that is smaller than the average office cubicle and about half the size of most parking spaces. >> we have a foot rest or a coffee table. >> reporter: but my feet are in the kitchen now, and i'm sitting on my bed/couch. this may be the future of city living. san francisco is considering allowing some of the smallest apartments in the country at 220 square feet, there's really only one way to describe it. >> definitely not teeny. definitely not tiny.
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micro. >> reporter: other cities like new york have tried to go small too. but in some of the toughest real estate markets, how much does size really matter? >> this was the ultimate organizing challenge for myself. >> reporter: the ultimate challenge in this house, it wasn't finding a place to work, relax, or even fall asleep. where do i put all my shoes? cecilia vega, abc news, san francisco. >> wow. interesting here. the reason this is news is because the city's board of supervisors is proposing changes to the building code that would allow for some of the smallest homes in the country because it is so expensive in san francisco like other cities around the country. >> pricing people out of the city. kind of what is happening in new york as well. >> see, we don't have the problem here. >> lounging on the chaise. >> the lucrative overnight anchor salary, we are living at "666 park avenue." plug an abc show while we're at it. >> we are living large. those are real lions, by the way. >> look at you, paula. a nighty you have got on there? >> that's not a nighty. i don't know what it is? is it a nighty? i look good in it.
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don't i? >> you look good. >> better than in real life. keep superimposing me. when we come back, the last dance. the first all-star has left the ballroom. show you who got the boot first. >> sayonara. lady gaga takes her clothes off to make a point. the pictures next in "the skinny." >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will coúd
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> okay, we have a lot to get to in "the skinny." beginning with "dancing with the stars" season 15. who got -- >> 15 or 50? >> feels like 50. >> yeah. here we go -- >> uh-huh. season 15. kirstie alley, bristol palin, pamela anderson. the bottom three. did you see pamela anderson's dance from last night? >> i did not. i saw little clips. but i missed the show. >> it was quite painful. yeah. so, no surprise that she was booted off. which is -- >> oh. >> very, very disappointing to all the dudes in the control room didn't want to see her go so early. she says she'll appear on broadway soon. she says "we'll keep dancing. we'll dance together again soon, doesn't end here." referring to her partner, tristan mcmanus, very enamored with her. she was god-awful. >> the dance was that bad, really? >> just staring, moving, poking
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at her breasts -- like everybody would be -- persuaded by them. >> which they have been for the last 25 years of her career. pam, dubious distinction, first to get booted off. later, pachlt pam. we'll miss them, meaning him and you. all right. also madonna making controversy on her tour. the thing a few weeks ago, she had the swastika, people were outraged with that overseas. apparently, now she is kind of back in washington, d.c., causing another controversy. she was on stage and kind of chimed in on our politic -- politics, our presidential election. take a listen. >> the president got another -- big celebrity endorsement last night during a concert in washington, d.c., madonna told the crowd they should vote for obama in a very madonna-like way. >> you'd all better [ bleep ] for obama, okay? all right. >> okay. so we have a black muslim in the white house. >> okay. so we have a black muslim in the
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white house. so in one token endorsing the president, saying vote for him, saying we have black muslim in the white house, which is not true. the president is a christian. that issue seems to not die no matter what the facts seem to be. anyway, causes controversy. now they're debating in the blogosphere if she is sarcastic or misinformed about the president's religion. madonna always in the headlines. >> i think she's just desperate for attention at this point in her career. not desperate, lady gaga, some photos spread out on the bl blog owes fear and news organizations claiming she gained some weight. responding on, her website, admitting bulimia and anorexia is something she suffered with since 15. on the website posts pictures of her, dressed down like that. she says be brave, celebrate with us, perceived flaws.
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she posted a series of half-naked images, alongside writing word that people kind of embrace the flaws. >> looking at her videos and she looks like she is in great physical shape the way she performs. you look, good, gaga, don't worry about the haters. >> that's right. every time someone chooses finish over cascade,
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it sparks a movement. because people can't keep it to themselves. look ! no ugly spots ! awesome! incredible shine. i'm switching for good. love, love, love finish! over a million people have switched to finish. try finish free. visit us on facebook.
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♪ you talk too much ♪ you never shut up ♪ i said you oo much ♪ you talk too much ♪ you never shut up ♪ i said you talk too much i think my aunt dedicated that song to me when i was little. >> i like that song. we reported earlier about the outrage over the disgraceful call on monday night football unless you live in seattle. the seahawks grabbing victory from the jaws of defeat, due to horrific officiating by replacement referees. >> we put it out there, we asked you our facebook "question of the day. "do you think the nfl replacement referees are hurting the game? >> i don't think the replacement referees would have anything to do with your 0-3 saints. they're helpless.
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you can imagine our responses -- first up, maria made her point, painfully clear -- they made bad calls and slow down the game. the team owners make millions in profits, and they need to respect the role that the professional refs play. it just boils down to fwreed on the part of the owners. and it is the owners who locked out the permanent refs. >> to say nelson is irritated is an understatement. he he says -- this season is a joke, i would rather no football than what is happening out there. i will not be taking it seriously anymore and won't be he says, i think there's not much difference between the old refs and the replacements. i can't count how many times the old refsed i believe everybody is looki for reasons for thnew i may give them a break. and joel. >> insightful. >> joel speaks for joe sixpack out there. saying, quote, maybe when more
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fans quit watching the games or buying tickets, people who can dsomeend nhing maybe then football will be worth watching again. but people, people in this country, myself included, you included, love our football. tune in every sunday no matter what. unless there is a dip in revenue or ratings what is going to prompt the owners besides of just wanting the game to get back its integrity of good and i think people are looking for a reason to pounce on replacement refs as well. there are blown calls in just about every game. >> oh, yeah, but these have been particularly egregious. >> agreed. definitely. but, let's just keep in mind -- out the permanent refs. need to get something hy. hopefully -- >> they have to wonder what the owner of the g
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this morning on "world news now" -- football fury. the players, the fans, the radio talk show hosts, even the president of the united states is weighing in on the controversial call from monday night's game. >> but will the bungled call be enough to budge the two side in the lockout? it's wednesday, september 26th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> good what? >> good morning. >> good to have you back. >> it's good to be back in the saddle again. here we go. >> you were on assignment for a little bit. >> two-week assignment working during the daylight. which was strange, unnerving. back on the graveyard shift
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where i belong. >> missed you. i'm paula faris. we'll have the latest on the nfl referee lockout including the surprising background of the two refs who worked the monday night game. let's just say, lingerie has something to do with it. also this half hour, new wildfire worries. the dangerous and very destructive season shows no signs of letting up. >> and then some big-time backlash for a father who says he was just being honest when he blogged about his two boys and told the world actually which son he likes best. you always see parents say "i don't have favorites. i love all my children equally." this guy, not so much. he said "i like this kid more." >> can you imagine being the kid, less loved child? >> nice shot to the kid's self-esteem. >> let's try therapy right now. speaking of favorites, a few of the hottest songs now from
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taylor swift to trey songz. you'll have a hard time getting these out of your head as we debut "insomniac play lift." >> do you know who trey songz is? >> no, i don't. i know that tre is three. >> sorry. >> -- in my cd player. kidding. >> wow. >> but first, president obama and mitt romney, romney, finally agree on something, bring back the real refs. >> outrage over the replacement refs has clearly grown beyond just football fans. but so far the nfl just isn't budging. here's abc's dan harris. >> reporter: there are eight seconds on the clock. the seattle seahawks are losing to the green bay packers and the seattle quarterback throws a hail mary. >> fought forith jennings simultaneous. who has it? who did they give it to? touchdown! >> reporter: look at what the two replacement referees do?
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one rules it a touchdown. while the other signals something entirely different. tho >> referee: after final review, the call on the field stands. touchdown. the game is over. >> reporter: that sets off an instant firestorm. >> this is comical to m mike, i tell you, that's two of the worst calls at the end of football game i can remember. >> reporter: the announcers complain. so does the pacers >> i have nyearo 1 fo so does the pacers >> i have nyearo 1 fo . >> reporter: and then online other packers' players, post the nfl commissioner's phone number and launch expletive-filled rants. president obama himself weighing in saying the call was terrible. a rare point of agreement with republican vice ptial o a rare point of agreement with republican vice ptial o >> give me >> reporter reaave been locked out since june as part of labor dispute.
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all season the replacement refs the league has brought in have been the source of enormous frustration. who are they? according to espn, the man called touchdown, is local e fo we also learned that another replacement ref, not involved in the game, had been fired from something called the lingerie football league for incompetence. if there's any good to come out of this aside for seattle fans -- >> oh, my god. it was amazing. it was the best seahawks' game i have ever seen. >> reporter: -- that this uprohr may help end the lockout. dan harris, abc news, new york. in otheis mcf1 reob r o e pden protecting s ri1 o mocking the prot mu quote, crude and disgusting, but he defended the filmmaker's right to make it. he also denounced the violent
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protests that followed. >> there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. there are s the ki >> td ali tribute to u.smbar stevens, vowingg hi t and he promised to continue his support of democracy in the muslim world. the romney/ryan campaign will be crisscrossing ohio, key battleground state where new rey battleground state where new they will focus on how they plan to handle the debt crisis, improve unemployment and cut spending if they're elected to office. meantime, ann romney doing her part as well appearing on the tonight show with jay leno where oand thected on the possibility >> on arioubout elected beingst m how is that -- >> well, you know, i love the fact that we have the fefirst african-american president. that means to me that we're leaving prejudices behind.
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i would hope that if mitt were elected, we would see more of the same. >> she also talked about how much she and her husband love shopping at costco, saying she recently picked up an $18, three pack of kirkland dress shirts he wears, quote, all the time. who doesn't love shopping at costco? you need two things and get a cartful. >> the romneys at costco, yes, indeed. her it was god. getting into that part of the campaign, getting into the nitty-gritty, they want to, again, get the human factor, show the lighter side. she was trying to do that for mitt. he needs the help. down in two battleground states. florida, and ohio not looking kindly for him. miles to go. what a week from today. october 3rd. big event. >> denver. that will be the first of three presidential debates. >> they say, ironically enough, romney may have an advantage. he had 19 debates during the primaries. all the republican debates. the president is rusty after four years. we'll see how that factors out. both men doing a lot of prep. >> all of this dirt -- dirty laundry was aired out for everybody to see and hear romney during the 19 debates. >> yeah, yeah. a lot of practice for sure. all right.
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in california nearly 1,000 firefighters plan an all-out assault on a fire that is still smouldering near the border with mexico. >> the blaze has already killed one person and burned a dozen homes. abc's brandi hitt from los angeles with more on the destructive fire season so far. brandi. >> reporter: good morning, rob and paula. this is turning out to be a deadly and costly year battling wildfires. and here in california, we haven't even reached the peak of fire season yet. >> reporter: fast-moving flames from the shockey wildfire have kept fire crews in southeastern san diego down fi on their toes for three days. >> there was just flames that came up over the top -- i couldn't believe it. i thought i was dead. >> reporter: unfortunately this fire has turned deadly. firefighters recovered the body of a man found inside his burned home. neighbors say 82-year-old carson robinson only had one leg and refused to leave despite evacuation orders.
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>> it looks like they tried three times to do reverse 911 calls, a neighbor may have tried to bang on his door to get him to evacuate. >> reporter: this fire season on track to become the worst in a decade. so far more than 8.6 million acres have burned. >> there's no question the drought has played a role in the fires. i think the big thing about how dry it has been this year though, the fires have been much bigger. >> reporter: and the cost of battling the fires out west is skyrocketing. utah, washington, and california have already burned through their fire fighting budgets with california's costs topping $133 million in the last three months. many families in san diego county are now returning home to find they have lost everything. >> tired. we don't have nothing to come back to, so -- >> reporter: with dozens of homes still in the wildfire's path. as i mention wildfire season here in california is far from over. typically october is one of the worst months for wildfires. rob and paula, back to you. >> all right. thanks a lot, brandi.
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here's look at your midweek weather. thunderstorms move through the ohio valley with a slight possibility of tornadoes. jacksonville, tallahassee, could see some showers. it will be humid here in the northeast with storms by the afternoon. >> phoenix in the upper 90s. above average for this time of year. boise is warmer than usual. upper midwest getting a shot of cool fall air. minneapolis in the mid-60s. this story breaks my heart. some good news for those that believe everything is better with bacon. >> everything. >> everything. >> britain's national pork association or pig association is warning that pork is about to get pricier. the group lays part of the blame on drought, damaged corn and soy crops sent feed costs soaring. >> in fact, pork producers in indiana have already cut down pig herds just to stay in business. that means less pork that will yet cost more. and here on the overnight where we have a limitless budget, we -- >> the last four pieces of bacon on earth. >> yes. here they are. >> oh.
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>> not too proud. i will eat off the desk. did you bring these from home? >> i did bring these from home. >> so this is cheap bacon. >> costco, i get precooked bacon. you have to warm it up for 30 seconds. we go through an entire pack, 60 pieces in a week. >> you said something scary during the staff meeting. you said you eat bacon every day. >> i exaggerated. every other day. >> that's a lot of bacon. >> what? what's that? >> this is not a heart-healthy snack. be careful there. it is delicious. so good. here are fun items to think about. what about baconnaise, mayonnaise/bacon. a bacon martini. look at that. oh. that's a little -- >> a little limp. >> that bacon isn't excited. but i bet that drink is pretty good. >> uh-huh. >> this is my favorite, think about this. bacon floss. bacon-flavored floss. still getting your dental
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health. the great taste of bacon in your gums. but it is actually healthy. instead of the morsels in our teeth. >> is it low cholesterol? >> yeah. it's good. >> okay. turkey bacon? it just doesn't taste the same. >> i don't taste a big difference. turkey bacon and real bacon. i can go with turkey bacon. have a bacon craving, don't want to go with the bad stuff. >> that's blasphemous. >> my bacon. >> please. >> coming up -- >> the song that you can't get away from, you know, carly rae jepsen's "call me maybe," coming up find out the next song you won't be able to get out of your head. big sip of water. if you're a perrin, can you be too honest? one man is finding out, yes. he is being blasted for revealing which of his kids is his favorite. you're watching "world news now." ♪ every time i look at you ♪ i think man a little me ♪ just like me 7ulauue yo be - got your dad's ears and all ♪ >> announcer: "world news now"
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imagine being the guy who did something relatively innocent. he was just blogging about being a dad and wrote down what his feelings were. seems fairly innocent. >> but what if those feelings included an admission of actually liking one child more than the other? yeah, bad decision. big online backlash as abc's amy robach reports. >> i'm tired of being in marsha's shadow all the time. >> reporter: sibling rivalry has long been lampooned in classic tv shows like "the brady bunch," but what happens when a parent says they like one child more than another? bob bishop father of two did just that. writing a shockingly candid blog, admitting that he has chosen a favorite son. it is stirring up quite debate on parenting sites. in the post, he says, if he was to be absolutely honest my oldest son is the favorite of the two.
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he and i are adventurous partners in crime, and i can't malk life without him. bishop even admits in a follow-up post, to me he is more fun. i don't love either of my sons any more than the other, but i do like them differently. i'd be willing to bet you are the same. and online the response was swift and brutal. one reader writing, quote, that favorite kid part could hurt someone's feelings one day. while another wrote, did you really write that your older son is your favorite? that's horrendous and cruel. but some people understand where bishop's coming from. >> there is some truth to what he says. i think all parents sort of favor one. >> reporter: child psychologist jamie howard says she worries outward displays of child favoritism could have developmental ramifications for children as they grow. >> forming relationships with peers, teachers, and other adults could be potentially more
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difficult for kids if they have somehow gotten this notion that they're not as likable. >> reporter: but bishop stands by his blog posts. >> it's something that we all have inside. and i am honest when i write and so i wrote about that moment that struggle i have. and told the stories about my kids. >> reporter: amy robach, abc news, new york. >> start saving the money for the therapy now. >> yeah. still to come, the hottest new songs you may never have heard of. >> no, i haven't. we will hear from a new york city dj who has his finger on the pulse of the next new thing. "insomniac playlist" is next. ♪
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♪ hey i just met you and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number so call me maybe ♪ we all know that song because we heard it all summer long, but, of course, it's no longer summer. >> what's new for fall? well, we get some answers in our debut edition of "insomniac playlist." >> i am ben harvey.
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i am a radio deejay for 92.3 now in new york city and co-host of the six pack on sirius xm. i think we can all agree that the song of the summer was "call me maybe." ♪ so call me maybe >> and now we're wondering what the song of the fall is going to be. you know what? it might actually be by carly rae jepsen. her new album just out, it's called "this kiss" just came out. a whopping 16 songs on it. she is already on the radio and "call me maybe" is being played but her new single, "this kiss" could be one of the biggest songs this fall. ♪ this kiss is something i came up with ♪ ♪ your lips are undeniable >> i think it is official, carly rae jepsen is no longer a one hit wonder. katy perry and rihanna watch out. carly rae is here to stay. ♪ i don't want to miss this kiss ♪ >> another song you're not going
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to be able to get out of your head is by taylor swift, "we are never, ever getting back together." ♪ we are never, ever getting back together ♪ >> reporter: it is breaking records in the first week alone she got more digital downloads than any other female artist ever. like, ever, ever. the big question about the song, who is she refusing to get back together with? some people think that it's j joe jonas. it could be jake gyllenhaal, if that's the case she doesn't get much sympathy from many people since he is arguably one of the hottest guys on the planet. ♪ ever, ever, ever ♪ getting back together >> the hottest track right now in what the kids are calling edm, electronic dance music, is spectrum by zedd. zedd, he is 22 years old. a musical prodigy. he is from germany and he is blowing up. his new album "clarity" comes out october 9th. lady gaga has said she has a major musical crush on him. guess who else wants to work with him?
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justin bieber. once you get the biebs involved, you're officially a bfd. ♪ >> so why do we go out to the club? trey songz has written a dissertation on club culture and he's narrowed it down to two reasons. ♪ ladies and the drinks ♪ ladies and the drinks >> unless you're listening to the unedited version, in which case it's the [ bleep ] and the drinks. actually it's amazing, really catchy. ♪ ladies and the drinks >> now i know who trey songz is and zedd. >> very cool here. according to ryan seacrest, his top 40, number one right now is demi lovato's "give your heart a break" and carly rae's song "call me maybe" number 17 on the
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list. all this time later. >> katy perry in the top five. >> indeed. all right. 3q
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another one killed by lime scale. how can the dishwasher do its job ? adding finish power up to your detergent brings your dishwasher back to life. dishwasher buildup, cloudiness, spots, even tough stains-- gone ! so don't give up. add finish power up. wow ! see the difference. [ toilet flushes ] whoo! i promise to be strong on all the bath tissue issues while my opponent is soft. soft? well i can't argue with that one. [ female announcer ] how do you enjoy the go? vote charmin ultra soft. vote charmin ultra strong. either way you can't go wrong. vote today on facebook. prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con.
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get out. welcome back, everybody to "the mix" here. all right. so some people don't leave jobs on good terms. okay. apparently a guy who worked for this media agency in london. so on his way out the door he had a lot of issues with his boss. so he wrote a kind of a good-bye e-mail here. one of the lines says about his boss -- he regularly made sexist and other bigoted remarks and quote, took a female colleague out for a drink on the day he interviewed her, then later took her back to the mec offices that night and had sexual relations with her in the meeting rooms on the 3rd floor. so he just put all this guy's dirty laundry out there on the way out the door. on top of that, the i'm has gone viral in terms of people spreading it all around about the guy's business. again this was in london. the company had to issue a
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statement. they wrote, we are taking this seriously given the highly personal nature of the e-mail, we cannot comment further here. their response did not include a denial of what the guy put out there, but certainly they're investigating the matters out there in london. but to air your boss's dirty laundry out there in an e-mail that's now plastered who knows where around the world, that's the way to exit the job, disgruntled. put all the dirty mess out there like that. >> going out with a bang. >> literally. okay. kindergartners are now going to be subject to national testing, believe it or not. more exams on the way including a test meant to determine if 5-year-olds and 6-year-olds are on track to succeed in college and future careers. at least 25 states now mandate this. but advocates say it's vital to test early and often pause too many kids fall behind in their first years of school. opponents say that the testing puts undue stress on the 5- and
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6-year-olds who need to be playing and interacting and learning social skills. my little girl has a test on friday. she has to learn how to spell "i," "am," and "blue." >> that's good. what do they test in kindergarten -- hour well do you stack the blocks? what is there to test at that age? >> cool seeing her to read and spell. >> baby steps. watch your little girl grow up, little caroline. i met last week. david blaine. >> mr. rob. >> mr. rob. >> master illusionist, david blaine, check out this video. he will do something here in new york next week. his latest stunt. he is going to literally stand between two electrodes and allow 1 million volts flow through his grounded body. if he gets out of the zone, steps away, or moves at all, it could literally stop his heart. the whole thing streamed on the internet. 1 million volt charge, surge, through his body, nonstop for 72 hours. >> is blaine insane? >> i think so. are you kidding me. 1 million volts. >> he'll be charged up for that one. @
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this morning on "world news now" -- this morning on "world news now" -- official outcry. demands to end the nfl referee lockout get louder from both the players and the fans. and now even the leader of the free world is weighing in. it's wednesday, september 26th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good wednesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> what? what? we're in the house together. >> what's up, stranger? what's going on? good to be back at home base. >> we hear -- is this "reunited" again? ♪ welcome back >> welcome back, mr. cotter. doing a little "good morning america." always good to be back at home base. caffeinated and ready to roll. >> you rocked it, by the way.
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>> my lindsay lohan coverage. wait for the emmy. >> you were all over li-lo. figuratively. >> i'm paula faris. the latest on the backlash against the refs who made the controversial call during monday night's seahawks/packers' game in a moment. also this half hour, president obama addresses the united nations and has harsh words for one nation in particular. >> as usual, iran, the elephant in the room in that one. plus also this morning, an emotional reunion. a woman who was nearly killed by an out-of-control car. look at that tape. the police officer who literally saved her life. they've been reunited. an incredible story. she is very lucky to be alive. look at that. how close that was and how tragic that could have been. her life was changed, but her dreams remain. a paralyzed woman's vow to walk down the aisle for her wedding day. >> little bit of inspiration on a wednesday morning. that's great story. but first, we've been
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talking about this and the country has been talking about this since monday night. the pressure to do something about those replacement refs. how about sending them back to footlocker where they belong. it all picked up steam after this call monday night giving seattle the highly doubtful, questionable, illegitimate victory. >> yes, yeah. you can see one waving it off and one saying touchdown. well, now even the presidential candidates are weighing in on the issue. abc's karen travers joining us this morning with the very latest. hi, karen. good morning, rob and paula. seattle fans are thrilled. packers' fans are disgusted. and players and coaches around the nfl are fed up with these replacement refs. >> reporter: could this play be the tipping point? the seattle green bay game went down to the wire. and on the final play, a hail mary pass from seattle to try to win the game, a controversial call. one ref says touchdown. another says no. after ten minutes of review -- >> the call on the field stand. touchdown. the game is over. >> reporter: and seattle wins.
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the nfl is locked in a labor dispute with the regular referees, so the league has been using replacement refs who came from the college level and arena league. >> they're trying to do the best they can. they're just not qualified to handle the pace and the speed of an nfl game. >> reporter: espn's michael wilbon says he sees the lockout lasting weeks, not days. >> ratings keep going up. popularity of the league know it threatened. not sure they care as much as people going crazy monday night. >> reporter: and on the campaign trail, rare bipartisan agreement about the ongoing dispute. president obama said the controversial call was, quote, terrible, and the regular refs need to get back on the field. and in an interview with cnn, mitt romney agreed. >> i sure would like to see some experienced referees with nfl experience come back on the nfl playing field. >> reporter: yesterday the nfl upheld the victory and said the game-winning touchdown should not have been overturned, but the anger is growing and so is the pressure on the nfl to end this labor dispute.
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rob and paula, back to you. >> thank you, karen. i had a chance to watch the game, sat there stunned on the couch, are you kidding me. i'm shocked it stood up to the review. what was that about? >> yeah. i don't think there's any good explanation. interesting how much money changed hand here, anywhere from 150 to 250 just on the botched call, in terms of vegas oddsmakers. >> wow. >> but it's important to note. it's not that the permanent refs are actually striking. it's that the owners have locked them out at this point. so there's really nothing that they can do until the owners step up and try to get something done, which they were working on on tuesday. >> and you'd hope that the fan outrage, the national media coverage since monday night would prompt resolution on this. everyone is outraged by what a horrendously bad call that was. in case you're wondering where they find the guys from, the guy who made that touchdown call, the controversial one, is a regional executive from bank of america, who's only officiated high school and junior college football games.
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another replacement, not involved in the game monday night, had been fired from the lingerie football league. he was fired for incompetence from the lingerie league. what does that tell you? >> yeah. well, would you be able to objectively officiate a football game that involved women in lingerie looking hot? >> i think so. >> it's very distracting. >> it's always the goal of the referee to stay abreast of the situation on the field. and with that we've got to go. >> we've got to stay on top of it. definitely on top of the situation. >> got to get on top of it. >> got to get a leg up. >> it's good to be back on the overnights. it's always so much more fun. president obama's big speech at the united nations. ended with remarks about murdered u.s. ambassador chris stevens. the president told the general assembly that our future will be determined by people like stevens, not killers. while criticizing the anti-islam film that sparked outrage across the middle east, the president defended the filmmaker's right
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to mate it and condemned the deadly reaction. >> there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. there are no words that excuse the killing of innocence. >> the president also had some pretty tough words for iran, warning that time to diplomatically resolve tehran's nuclear issue is running out. a new poll might cause some concern for the mitt romney campaign. it shows an eight-point lead in the state of ohio, which is a key battleground state. now, keep in mind no rupp has won the white house without winning the buckeye state, and in florida it's not much better. the president also leads by four points. and mitt romney is accusing the white house of failing to level with the american people about the death of ambassador chris stevens and three others in libya. the republican presidential hopeful says that the september 11th attack on the u.s. consulate and benghazi was clearly an act of terrorism, but he says president obama won't use that language, instead referring to the deadly attack as a, quote, bump in the road on the way to democracy.
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>> and he caught flak for that because you can't call the death of the four people, particularly an ambassador, a bump in the road, that that seemed glib and cal us and disrespectful to the lives lost in that. the white house sent mixed signals on this issue. was it, premeditated attack, coincided with 9/11, premeditated, calculated or were they piggybacking off the protests over the film. ambassador susan rice says one thing. the president says another. they're not clear on what they think the reason behind it is. that's worrisome. >> his spokesman, jay carnie, reversed ship. never clearly said it was an act of terrorism. so -- >> lots of questions. still lives lost. moving on this morning. a texas man who had gotten three reprieves from the supreme court has now been executed. cleve foster was pronounced dead about 25 minutes after his lethal injection began. three times last year the high court had actually stopped foster's execution, including one time when he was just moments away from death. foster was convicted of
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murdering a woman that he met in a bar. >> okay. this is frightening. federal officials just released a report about two extremely close calls in chicago's busy o'hare airport. in both instances, the planes came so close to colliding that pilots had to rely on quick refluxes -- reflexes, rather, and sheer luck. as abc's alex perez explains, changes have been made to keep it from happening again. >> reporter: a potentially deadly midair collision. express jet flight 6075 was taking off from chicago's o'hare in may 2011 when panic suddenly filled the cockpit. sky west 6958 was coming in on a, quote, collision course. the express jet pilot was able to react quickly averting disaster. newly released interviews reveal the pilot's fear after nearly being killed, i keyed up the mike and yelled to the tower kontroler, what the [ bleep ] was that, he said.
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just a few months later, close call at o'hare airport, same situation, same runways. as a result of the close calls here at o'hare airport, the faa has taken corrective action. there's a new virtual intersection warning, and the controllers responsible for those two runways now sit next to each other to eliminate confusion. there were seven serious near collisions across the country in 2011. in this case, the credit goes to the pilots. >> it took overt pilot action to avoid an error. we got lucky. that's -- that's clearly cause for concern. >> reporter: the faa points out 99.99% of airline operations went off without a hitch. though pilots and passengers may wonder if that's good enough. alex perez, abc news, chicago. at least one tornado touched down in a rural area near st. louis as a severe storm moved through. the twister destroyed an outbuilding and damaged several holmes in the town of oakleville. at least two people were hurt
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when high winds flipped over a tractor trailer on interstate 64. well, country music star toby keith always a big supporter of americans serving in the war zones. >> he made many trips overseas to entertain troops on the front lines, and he's done his fair share here at home. at a recent concert in houston, he brought a soldier's wife on stage for the performance of "american soldier." >> love those reunions. grab a tissue. near the end, her husband walked out on stage, a surprise appearance for a long-awaited reunion. i love that embrace. >> well done, toby. nicely done, man. always good to see those reunions. the guys and women all slowly coming home. good. >> thankfully. well, coming up -- something straight out of the jetson's, a driverless car. we're going to take a test drive and find out when it's coming to a dealership near you. but first, dramatic crash and a heroic save. a woman reunites with the cop that got her out of the way of an out-of-control car.
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♪ welcome back, everybody. you might have seen some stunning video that we showed you last week, a police officer in texas saving a young woman from being hit by an oncoming vehicle. >> this is a crazy video here. that incident will link their lives together of course forever. now as abc's ryan owens tells us, they have gotten together for a very emotional union. >> reporter: a week after police officer philip standefer pushed her out of the way of this oncoming car and almost certainly save heard life, sarah beady still struggles to put her gratitude into words. >> "thank you" doesn't cover the fact that i'm here and talking. >> reporter: that night in lubbock, texas, it was the 19-year-old student talking to
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officers about a fender-bender she just witnessed. watch again as a van with an alleged drunk driver behind the wheel plows into the police car sending it barreling towards them. officer standefer grabs beady and pushes her to safety. the other cop barely escapes too. >> i knew that she didn't see the car coming, and so i just moved and got her out of the way. >> reporter: in fact, while beady was safe, the man who just saved her was actually pinned between the cars. >> i looked at my leg and saw that it didn't look like it was pointing in the direction it should have been. >> i remember hitting the concrete and closing my eyes again because i wasn't sure if i was going to open them up. >> reporter: beady escaped with just a few scrapes on her face. officer standefer's leg is still bruised, but remarkably nothing more serious than a few pulled muscles. >> my job is to serve and protect people. i just am humbled by the opportunity to do so. >> if he hadn't been there, i don't know what would have happened to me. so i call him a hero. >> reporter: a humble hero who nearly sacrificing himself to save a stranger. ryan owens, abc news, dallas. >> you never know where your guardian angels may be and right
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at the moment you need them the most. incredible there. >> we don't hear stories like that enough. usually we bring you doom and gloom. but that alleged driver -- or the drive ore f the van was, as he mentioned, allegedly driving drunk. >> and was arrested at the scene and charged with drunk driving. so good all the way around. so -- >> mm-hmm. up next, generational driving. what? >> we are hitting the road, four wheels, everything a normal car has, plus, an added advantage. no hands. >> wait. you use hands now? i've got one on the blackberry, one on the iphone, one on the -- knee on the wheel. kidding, just joking. >> we'll be back. >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from opcs6
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. ♪ meet george jetson ♪ hju ♪ meet george jetson ♪ his wife judy >> all right. >> oh, my! on that note. before signing the bill that paves the way for self-driving cars, yes, i said self-driving cars in southern california -- look, ma, no hands, right -- governor jerry brown called the vehicles, quote, science fiction becoming tomorrow's reality. >> they're closer to being reality than you might think. in fact, abc's jim avila has already taken one out for a test drive. >> reporter: you've seen this. cars that slam on the brakes before you hit a pole. but here's something you have never seen. the car of the future making the driver totally unnecessary.
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>> no hands. >> reporter: google's working on one, and the federal government's sponsoring a field test in ann arbor, michigan, with cars that automatically swerve past potential accidents and alerts you to oncoming hazards. and now this at general motors' test track, i sat in the driver's seat as this cadillac at high speeds stayed in its lane. at 60 miles an hour it stopped on its own even when a car driving 30 miles slower suddenly pulled in front of us. >> we can foresee the day when vehicles will be able to completely avoid collision. >> reporter: it's been a carmaker's dream since george jetsun sat in his automated flying car. >> the jetsons can happen. the vehicle can take complete control and take you to your destination in comfort, safety, and security.
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>> reporter: this prototype called super cruise uses radars, cameras, and gps to drive itself. hand are off the steering wheel. feet are off the pedals. i can look away. don't do this at home. >> reporter: at any time the driver can take back control. but on the highway when driving is the least fun and humans are easily distracted, super cruise can safely navigate the has ards. >> the system is -- does not get distracted. it doesn't fall asleep. >> reporter: it's expected to be in the first gm cars as early as 2015. jim avila, abc news, detroit. >> i wonder how people feel putting their safety and other driver's safety in the hand of the computer. seems scary a little bit. >> $2,000, roughly what it will cost. >> right. there you go. >> what do i have in my hand? >> something futuristic. >> i will admit i am a distracted driver, which is why i let my husband do all the drivinging. >> oh, really. i've heard that before. as a society, we send conflicting messages. don't text, stay focused, all the laws about that. on the other hand. we're saying, take your hands
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off, let the car do it all. seems odd. >> kind of like the show, right? >> yeah, exactly like the show. we'll be right back. ght? >> yeah, exactly like the show. we'll be right back. the arteries of your dishwasher are constantly clogging up
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yeah, and i took on all the bigger, tougher ones. but now that mr. clean's got this new select-a-size magic eraser, i mean, he can take on any size job. look how easily he gets things cleaned. it's enough to make you cry. you, specifically. not me. i'm just happy we don't go near rex's mobile home as often. because it's hard to clean or because you're scared of an itty-bitty doggy? [ dog barks ] aah! oh! [ clears throat ] yeah, that was a sneeze. i think i sprayed myself. [ male announcer ] new mr. clean select-a-size magic eraser. lets you pick the right size for every job.
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♪ abc's strong in the top ten, right? >> yes. >> finally this half hour, an inspirational young woman that you aren't likely to forget any time soon. she was helping someone in need when she suffered a life changing injury. >> that has not stopped her from moving forward with some very ambitious plan. michelle wright of our pittsburgh station has her incredible story. >> reporter: elissa boyle says the morning of february 20th is all a blur. the nursing student was on her way to ruby memorial hospital
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when she and others stopped to help a man trapped in his jeep in greene county. they pulled him out when somebody yelled a truck was coming. >> when i turned around, there was a semi, not stopping. >> reporter: elissa, cami abernathy, and the man they just rescued all jumped over barrier, not realizing they would fall almost 50 feet from the overpass. >> elissa blacked out. >> when i did wake up, i remember just being in pain. it was the worst pain of my life. >> reporter: she was the most severely injured of the three. when she woke up after surgery this was the first thing she heard. >> they told me i would never walk again. the doctor told me right away i had a 1% chance of walking. >> reporter: paralyzed, her thoughts turned to the man she agreed to marry. nathan, stationed at ft. bragg, north carolina, nathan assured her he was not going anywhere. now in a wheelchair she is determined to walk down the aisle like she dreamed. that determination brings her here. a second look showed her spinal
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cord was not severed as the first doctor said. suddenly there was hope. >> i have feelings about here in my thighs. the doctor gave me 1% chance of walking again. >> and you're out to prove him wrong. >> yes, i am. >> reporter: an inspirational bride determined to make her dreams come true. >> oh. >> let's all root for her. that's amazing too. 1%. it's a 1% shot, still worth taking. she's going for it. that's incredible. >> her disposition. cheery disposition. she's not down in the dumps. good for her. >> we're rooting for her. we'll be there on the wedding day if she walks down the aisle. either way, we'll be there. >> we'll all be looking forward to seeing it. that's the news for this half hour. make sure you check us out on facebook. >> and twitter @wnn. coming up, more from abc. and coming up more from abc. and coming up more from abc.
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this morning on "world news now" -- confronting the anger against america. president obama uses the world stage to talk about recent uprisings in the muslim world. >> his address to the u.n. general assembly includes a passionate defense of free speech. it's wednesday, september 26th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody. i'm paula faris on this hump day. >> that's right. midweek. here we go. good morning, everybody. good to be back. i'm rob nelson. we'll get to the president's speech, including his powerful tribute to murdered ambassador chris stevens coming up in just a second. also in this half hour, officially fed up. football fans are still fuming over that botched call by the replacement refs. so many of you are venting on
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our facebook page. we're going to share a few of the juicy one s coming up in just a second. everybody is talking about the end of that monday night game. >> a fair call for those who live in seattle. outside of seattle, botched call. >> indeed. man. and then forget living large. in san francisco, it's go small or go home. we're going to give you the nickel tour of some new mini-sized apartments. and when we say mini, we're talking -- >> like 150 square feet. >> yeah. >> so think about that for a second. >> like nada. >> i don't know how they do it. >> people get very inventive. if it saves rent money. not a bad thing. we'll see if you can do it in just a minute. plus, lady gaga, of course, is known for revealing quite a bit. there she is right there. but now she strips down to reveal a fuller figure. and to explain also why she is proud of the way she looks. catch up with a little, caught a little flak for her weight. but now is kind of revealing something personal from years ago. >> very personal. >> yeah.
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so interesting. gaga always in the news. we begin with the president's challenge at the u.n. calling on world leaders to stand up against violence and extremism. >> president obama devoted much of his speech to the arab democratic movement, free speech, and also stopping the violence like that attack in libya that claimed the lives of the u.s. ambassador and three other americans as well. here's abc's jake tapper. >> reporter: president obama made the focus of his united nation's address about a man who wasn't there. >> i would like to begin today by telling you about an american named chris stevens. >> reporter: with a tribute to the u.s. ambassador to libya who was attacked and killed in the dead of night in benghazi two weeks ago, he extolled the humanity and hope stevens stood for. >> if we are serious about these ideals, today we must reaffirm our future will be determined by people like chris stevens and not by his killers. >> reporter: but in many ways, the president's speech seemed targeted at his domestic audience. accused by republicans of glibly downplaying the unrest in the
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muslim world, the president demanded an end to the violence. >> there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. there are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. >> reporter: and while only days ago the white house was asking youtube to review whether the anti-muslim film violated the terms of use, the president offered a full-throated defense of freedom of speech. >> like me, the majority of americans are christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. >> that was a call to stop those who fan the flames against the wealth and the allies. >> it is time to marginalize those who use hatred of america or the west or israel as the central organizing principal of politics. >> reporter: a smaller part of this speech was iran's nuclear program. a continued source of frustration and tension despite efforts at outreach and tough sanctions, that country has more than doubled its production rate of enriched uranium since obama took office. >> the united states will do what we must to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
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>> reporter: during last year's u.n. conference, president obama met separately with more than a dozen world leaders. but this year he had no such meetings scheduled, prompting criticism he's more focused this year on campaigning than governing. in his place, secretary of state hillary clinton met with almost 20 world leaders. jake tapper, abc news, the white house. iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad has his turn before the u.n. delegates later today. ahead of his speech, ahmadinejad tells the associated press that a new world order needs to emerge away from american bullying and domination. he says despite international sanctions over its nuclear program, iran is better off than it was when he took office back in 2005. >> and he's known for getting up there at that mike and saying some pretty inflammatory things. you'll see some folks whack out when he gets to certain parts of his speech. we've seen this play out before.
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and the outcry over the nuclear program, he is saying it is an excuse by the west to dominate his country. talk about the nuclear program there. but it's -- he's certainly a controversial figure. again, you are seeing the talk get more heated about potential that israel would strike iran to prevent further nuclear development, and that inevitably would drag this country back into another war. and i think ahmadinejad himself used the term "world war iii" for wait could potentially mean if that does happen. scary. >> and he drew flak at the u.n. for posing for a picture and posing with the peace sign as well. >> all right. moving on, republican presidential hopeful mitt romney and his running mate paul ryan on the stump in ohio today, a key battleground state where new poll numbers show their campaign is in some serious trouble. they're going to be touting their plans to tackle the debt crisis, improve unemployment and cut spending. but romney seems to have strayed from his long time insistence that president obama raised taxes during his first term now.
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now he's saying that the president did not. >> his idea now is -- he's got one new, one new idea. i admit this. there's one thing he did not do in his first four years that he said he will do in the next four years, which is to raise taxes. >> the romney campaign is standing by the argument that the president has raised taxes. fact check, obama has raised taxes on cigarettes and tanning bedding and not income taxes, though, romney's own spokesman says it has happened 19 times. well, the nfl and locked out referees have met behind closed doors trying to resolve their differences. the meeting comes amid growing outrage over the call made monday night by a replacement ref. even president obama and mitt romney have called for a return to the real refs, something they can agree on, right? but espn's michael wilbon said he sees the lockout lasting weeks, not days. >> the ratings keep going up and popularity of the league is not threatened. so i'm not sure they care as much as the people who were going crazy monday night.
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>> a wisconsin eye doctor -- i love this -- is now offering the refs free lasik surgery to improve their vision, surgery that costs roughly around $3,000. >> i don't get it here too. if you look at the background, some of these replacement refs, they're not qualified to officiate an nfl game. not at the pace of, you know, pro sports compared to collegiate or high school where, you know, some of the guys are, you know, that's what their background is in. but nothing kind of -- i spoke to the moment, one photo, one saying touchdown. ref to the left saying no it's not. that to me says it all about how the officiating has gone in the nfl this season. they've got to step in and get this done. >> but you know what? you can't blame the replacement refs. they're put in a lose/lose situation. they're put in a bad situation. they're not prepared, like you say, for the speed of the game. now the nflpa players union filed a grievance against owners
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saying this could be a violation of their collective bargaining agreement. and demaurice smith who heads up the players union sent this to the players tuesday. he said the decision by the owners to lock out the referees jeopardizes your health and safety. contrary to some reports, we are not crossing any picket line. the referees are not on strike. the owners locked them out. we are actively reviewing any and all possible actions to protect you. >> the uproar crescendoed to a point, this needs to get done. a few more weeks of this crazy. all right. in other news this morning, mexico's baja coast is rocking after a strong earthquake and aftershocks. the 6.2 shaker hit in the late afternoon, 47 miles northeast of the city of la paz, followed by a 4.8 and 4.6 aftershock a few minutes later. so far there have been no reports of any major injuries or significant damage. with that we'll take look at your wednesday weather. new york, d.c., boston, see showers in the morning. and then thunderstorms in the late afternoon. summer, though, hangs on in florida and georgia with the possibility of some afternoon storms. >> it's warmer than usual in texas. had a chance to visit texas last week. loved my time there.
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okay. dallas should be the mid-80s. we'll see 92 instead. chicago, minneapolis. cooler than usual temperatures. pleasant to the northwest. seattle at 60. of course, everybody is warm and cozy in seattle after the seahawks' win. >> and the glow of a false victory must be cozy, yeah. all right. a very lucky 12-year-old boy is celebrating his first kiss, not from the girl next door -- >> ooh. >> -- nope, not alone under the tree or behind a high school gym like some folks. >> first came love, then came marriage, then k-i-s-s-i-n-g. no, this boy's first smooch came courtesy of country superstar carrie underwood on stage in front of thousands of people at her show in louisville. she spotted the boy with a sign that said "will you be my first kiss?" she called him to stage and said, "how do you want to do this?" he said, "lip to lip." >> oh, my goodness, gracious. >> you've got to do it for the gold, baby. well done, junior.
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>> after a warning that her husband was nearby, yes, carrie, obliged, dubbing the boy the smartest kid ever. >> i would say so. that is a smart kid. he worked the moment. got his first kiss from carrie. that's a lifelong story for the young lad. >> i haven't had a first kiss. kidding. >> see, missed me, didn't you? >> no. all right. coming up next, we received nearly 200 impassioned responses to our facebook "question of the day." we'll share what you had to say about -- whew, the talk of the country right now, the nfl replacement refs. first a nickel tour of san francisco's newest apartment, a penny for every 30 square feet. it's all coming up on "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol power and free. her brought to you by lysol. power and free. lysol. and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more
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♪ a little tom petty and stevie nicks there with appropriately "the apartment song," oddly enough. brings us to our next story, which is about -- apartments? >> good call. well, we've seen some small apartments here in new york, that's for sure. here's mine. but in san francisco, they're thinking about going really, really small. abc's cecilia vega went apartment hunting. >> reporter: ooh, it is small. >> yes. >> reporter: it turns out it doesn't take very long to tour a 150-square-foot home.
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foyer/dressing room/closet. >> it's also the pantry. >> reporter: slash pantry. /kitchen/bathroom. you can almost from the bathroom reach in and grab something from the fridge. that's convenient. welcome home. a model home in berkeley, california, to be exact, where everything is always within arm's reach. a home that is smaller than the average office cubicle and about half the size of most parking spaces. >> we have a foot rest or a coffee table. >> reporter: but my feet are in the kitchen now, and i'm sitting on my bed/couch. but this may soon be the future of city living. san francisco is considering allowing some of the smallest apartments in the country. at 220 square feet, there's really only one way to describe it. >> definitely not teeny. definitely not tiny. micro. >> reporter: other cities like new york have tried to go small too.
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but in some of the toughest real estate markets, how much does size really matter? >> this was the ultimate organizing challenge for myself. >> reporter: the ultimate challenge in this house, it wasn't finding a place to work, relax, or even fall asleep. where do i put all my shoes? cecilia vega, abc news, san francisco. >> wow. interesting here. the reason this is news is because the city's board of supervisors is proposing changes to the building code that would allow for some of the smallest homes in the country because it is so expensive in san francisco like other cities around the country. >> pricing people out of the city. kind of what is happening in new york as well. >> see, we don't have the problem here. >> lounging on the chaise. >> the lucrative overnight anchor salary, we are living at "666 park avenue." we can plug an abc show while we're at it too. >> we are living large. those are real lions, by the way. >> look at you, paula. is that a little nighty you've got on there? >> that's not a nighty. i don't know what it is.
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is it a nighty? i look good in it. don't i? >> you look good. >> better than in real life. keep superimposing me. when we come back, the last dance. the first all-star has left the ballroom. show you who got the boot first. >> sayonara. and lady gaga takes her clothes off to make a point. the picture's next in "the
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny
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okay. we've got a lot to get to in "the skinny" beginning with "dancing with the stars," season 15. who got -- >> 15 or 50? >> feels like 50. >> yeah. here we go. >> uh-huh. season 15. kirstie alley, bristol palin, pamela anderson. the bottom three. did you see pamela anderson's dance from last night? >> i did not. i saw little clips, but i missed the show. >> it was quite painful. yeah. so no surprise that she was booted off, which is -- >> oh. >> it's very, very disappointing to all the dudes up in the control room who didn't want to see her go so early. she says she'll appear on broadway soon. she says "we'll keep dancing. we'll dance together again soon, doesn't end here." referring to her partner, tristan mcmanus, who seems to be very enamored with her. she was god-awful. >> the dance was that bad, really? >> just staring, moving, poking
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at her breasts -- like everybody would be -- persuaded by them. >> which they have been for the last 25 years of her career. pam, dubious distinction, first to get booted off. later, pam. we'll miss them, meaning him and you. all right. also madonna making more controversy on her tour. the thing a few weeks ago, she had the swastika, people were outraged with that overseas. apparently, now she is kind of back in washington, d.c., causing another controversy. she was on stage and kind of chimed in on our politic -- politics, our presidential election. take a listen. >> the president got another -- big celebrity endorsement last night during a concert in washington, d.c., madonna told the crowd they should vote for obama in a very madonna-like way. >> you'd all better [ bleep ] for obama, okay? all right. >> okay. so we have a black muslim in the white house. >> okay. so we have a black muslim in the white house. so in one token endorsing the president, saying vote for him, saying we have black muslim in the white house, which is not true.
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the president is a christian. that issue seems to not die no matter what the facts seem to be. anyway, causes controversy. now they're debating in the blogosphere if she is sarcastic or misinformed about the president's religion. madonna always in the headlines. >> i think she's just desperate for attention at this point in her career. >> that could be true too. not desperate, lady gaga, some photos spread out on the blogosphere and news organizations claiming she gained some weight. responding on, her website, admitting bulimia and anorexia is something she suffered with since she was 15. on the website posts pictures of her, dressed down like that. she says, be brave, celebrate with us your perceived flaws. she posted a series of half-naked images, alongside writing word that people kind of embrace the flaws. >> looking at her videos and she looks like she is in great physical shape the way she performs. so you look good, gaga, don't worry about the haters.
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>> that's right. d of embrace the flaws. >> looking at her videos and she looks like she is in great physical shape the way she performs. you look, good, gaga, don't worry about the haters. >> that's right. every time someone chooses finish over cascade,
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it sparks a movement. because people can't keep it to themselves. look ! no ugly spots ! awesome! incredible shine. i'm switching for good. love, love, love finish! over a million people have switched to finish. try finish free. visit us on facebook.
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♪ you talk too much ♪ you never shut up ♪ i said you oo much ♪ you talk too much ♪ you nev shu ♪ you talk too much ♪ you never shut up ♪ i said you talk too much i think my aunt dedicated that song to me when i was little. >> i like that song. we reported earlier about the outrage over the disgraceful call on monday night football unless you live in seattle. the seahawks grabbing victory from the jaws of defeat, due to horrific officiating by replacement referees. >> we put it out there, we asked you our facebook "question of the day. "do you think the nfl replacement referees are hurting the game? >> i don't think the replacement referees would have anything to do with your 0-3 saints. they're helpless.
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you can imagine our responses -- first up, maria made her point, painfully clear. she said, quote, they made bad calls and slow down the game. the team owners make millions in profits, and they need to respect the role that the professional refs play. it just boils down to greed on the part of the owners. and it is the owners who locked out the permanent refs. ntatehe permanent refs. he says -- this season is a joke, i would rather no football than what i will not be taking it seriously anymore and n't c1 -w >> now, brian actually has a little bit of sympathy. he says, i think there's not much difference between the old refs alace i can'tn hothe i believe everybody is looking for reasons for the new refs to fail. i may give them a break. and joel. >> insightful. >> joel speaks for joe sixpack out there. saying, quote, maybe when more fans quit watching the games or buying tickets, people who can directly do something to end
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this labor dispute will lose enough revenue and do something for us. maybe then fotillb but people -- i mean people in this country, myself includeding you included, love our football. tune in every sunday no matter what. unless there is a dip in revenue or ratings what is going to prompt the owners besides of just wanting the game to get back its integrity of good officiating. >> i like brian's point too. and i think people are looking for a reason to pounce on replacement refs as well. there are blown calls >> oh, yeah, but these have been particularly egregious. aree efie but let's just keep in mind it's not their fault they've been put in a bad situation. it is the owners who have locked out the permanent refs. need to get something done. they met on tuesday. hop t thinks now in terms of his stance of the lockout and
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